Imagining a future of possibility

Posted: 17 February 2020

Posted: 17.02.2020

The feature installation is designed to interpretively convey GIC’s key role of ‘securing the future of Singapore’, and aid placemaking with a focal backdrop to the new GIC HQ.

GIC Private Limited, (formerly known as Government of Singapore Investment Corporation), is a sovereign wealth fund established by the Government of Singapore in 1981 to manage Singapore’s foreign reserves.

GIC is a global long-term investor with well over US$100 billion in assets in over 40 countries worldwide.

THERE were commissioned to add a level of ‘story-telling’ to their Singapore headquarters.

Drawing inspiration from the core themes of ‘Growth’, ‘Imagination’ and ‘Possibility’, the design depicts an ever-changing series of Orchids – intrinsically linked with the DNA of Singapore –which gradually morph from traditional to futuristic – visualising the growth and evolution of GIC.

The entire length of the corridor has been lined with a series of regularly spaced, floor to ceiling batons, with extruded sections and colour accents forming each Orchid – providing a ‘baked-in’ tactile relief that seems to grow out from the building core. Whilst the organic, free-flowing composition allows the design to work with and around the constraints of doors and corridor voids.