2018 Sydney Design Awards

Posted: 17 February 2020

Posted: 17.02.2020

THERE scoops 6 wins at Sydney Design Awards
THERE are delighted to announce that our Brand and Environments teams have been jointly awarded at this year’s Sydney Design Awards.

On the Brand side we celebrated wins for the Grand Central Towers and Metropol property campaigns, both for Canberra-based property developer GEOCON. And in the Environments team, we picked up awards for our Sydney workplace projects with Investa, Roche, HCF and Westpac.

The Sydney Design Awards by DRIVENxDESIGN are one of Australia’s most diverse design awards program, with a focus on the project commissioners who help to sustain a strong and innovative design industry. Without our clients, we wouldn’t have these wins to celebrate – so we would also like to thank the respective teams who championed our ideas and helped us to shape the projects into such successful outcomes.

At THERE we believe in harnessing the power of place – and we do this through creating brands and branded experiences for the built environment. We work with ambitious organisations who value design thinking to enrich the places and spaces we live, work and play in.